The fluffiest and softest Japanese ( Hokkaido) milk bread recipe | #EasyBaking #cuisine | Hobby, LifeStyle and much more... (multilingual: EN, FR, DE) |

TongZhong Dough Ingredients: 25 g Bread Flour 125 ml Water Bread Dough Ingredients: 30 ml Whole milk 45 ml Heavy whipping cream 43 g Whisked egg 6 g (½ tablespoon) Instant dry yeast 92 g TongZhong dough 43 g White granulated sugar 5 g (2½ teaspoons) Milk powder 275 g Bread flour 4 g (½ teaspoon) salt 25 g Unsalted butter, softened Note: Non-Stick Loaf Pan size - 9" x 5" inches Bake in a preheated oven at 355 ℉ (180℃) for 30 minutes


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