3 Reasons Content Curation is Important to Marketing | 60 Second Marketer @AskJamieTurner | The Curation Code | Scoop.it

Done right, content curation will become the easiest, yet most effective tool your marketing department will use. In fact, 90% of businesses agree. Of every 10 B2B marketers surveyed in a study by Curata, 9 used content marketing as a regular component of their strategy. 32% of business to business marketers did so daily.


As a marketer, you’ve heard it before: you’ve got to build your personal brand. Self-proclaimed gurus have been shouting it from the rooftops for over a decade now, and the catchphrase has even become a bit stale. But tired as the declaration may be, there’s a lot of truth behind it.


Consumers are becoming increasingly connected. And while social media can never replace good, old-fashioned market research, Twitter and LinkedIn are putting up a good fight.


So what are you, as a marketer, meant to do? Should you spend your working hours creating the original, creative content the gurus demand? Should you build your “personal brand” by responding to Facebook comments all day? No. Instead, you should establish a healthy social media presence, and share, share, share....