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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

6 Reasons Your Biz Blog Sucks & How To Fix

6 Reasons Your Biz Blog Sucks & How To Fix | Curation Revolution |

Marty Note
Great post by team. At our cool tools for ecommerce merchants startup we see all six of these mistakes. Here are some of the ways we've helped clients fix reasons their biz blogs sucked:

  1.  No Subscription Form
    Agree with this mistake being #1 since it cuts off your Internet marketing nose to spite your face. BUT adding a subscription form can be tricky. If a client has a vast archive we always locate a large search box in their header. If NOT we  cross our fingers and put a subscription from up there.
    We HATE subscription forms in footers since it since the WRONG message. Footer forms say, "Sure you can join, but we don't care." Best location is left rail somewhere below your hero (largest image on the page is a hero) and that means your left column should be navvy (i.e. about 200 - 300 pixels and have other nuggets like social in there too). We don't like being forced right either since we read left to right so stuff on the left typically gets more "eye time". WE HATE popunders those annoying requests to join that must be cleared BUT they work with enough people that most online merchants use them. Our answer to that is if everyone jumped off a cliff would you too and then we realize we are sounding like our parents so we shut up (lol). If you have to popunder use as they are the least obnoxious popunder we've seen.

  2. Content Is Skinny & Stale
    Blogs are a commitment. The deal you make is you WILL be blogging several times a week. Break that commitment and your biz blog will suck, never receive links and so you may as well stay home and watch TV for all the good adding less than 300+ posts a year will do you. Blogging is a discipline, a habit, your routine must incorporate if you want your content marketing to mean anything to visitors not related to you. Daily blogging gets easier the more you do it, but do it you must as fresh content is a huge part of the bargain you are striking with Google when you put a website into its view. Google is important, but your customers are even more important and they believe in QDF too (Quality Deserves Freshness), so blog it out. 

  3. No Relevant CTAs
    Boy this is one of our HUGE pet peeves. If you don't have a BUTTON or LINK on your site that says the equivalent of CLICK ME THERE IS COOL STUFF HERE your biz blog sucks. CTAs are important, but you can have TOO MANY too, so strike a balance and ask for attention HERE and HERE.

  4. No Related Links
    Blogs are NASTY bad at building relevant next links. Without a plugin your blog will be backwards. Most default WordPress themes publish "archives" in reverse publishing order (most recent first). BTW, that sucks. You are better off to have related links at the bottom of a post AND create Top 5 lists across several dimensions such as popularity, most shared, most commented on, staff favorites and even bottom 5. Creating a priority list does wonders for content because it brings the MOB into play. We want to know what OTHERS think is interesting or bad or amazing. Lists work so USE 'em.
    We think of content as products. We want to merchandise, combine and suggest content just like an ecommerce merchant creates cross-sale and up-sale.

  5. Don't Leverage Analytics in PUBLIC
    I'm sitting at a Panera Bread writing this and there is a big sign sharing that the owners shared $19M with charity last year. Public feedback loops such as Top 5 ordered lists and Most Searched summaries help your visitors know you, your content and your tribe.

  6. No Social Shares or BAD Social Shares
    Wow we could write a mile on this one, but we will give you the quick version. 1. Make it easy to share every page 2. Remember you want some shares for your SITE and some for the content people are reading now and those are two different things and need two different social widgets. 3. ALWAYS include your @name in your auto-tweets and shares. 

Great post by the Scoop.iteers. Hope those ideas help you know how to fix six reasons your biz blog sucks. Time and web attention are way to valuable to ever SUCK. That is not to say we've never SUCKED (lol), but we try not to stink forever. Blog on :). M

Marijo's curator insight, November 19, 2014 12:10 PM

Great tips to fix your blog.

If you didn't do it already do it now.

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

13 Easy Fix Ecommerce Mistakes And 2 Toughies For Holiday 2012

13 Easy Fix Ecommerce Mistakes And 2 Toughies For Holiday 2012 | Curation Revolution |
15 Common Mistakes in E-Commerce Design and How to Avoid Them (via @smashingmag) - Selling online can open up huge new markets for many businesses.


Marty Note
These are all great tips. I've had to, at one time or another, correct them all. There are several low hanging fruit easy to fix tips like making sure people know where you are (your contact information should be ways to find and not a PO box) and making sure your return information is easy to search, find or popup.

Inside the easy, low hanging fruit are two tough but valuable ideas:

* Internal Search
* Shopping Cart

Search touched about half of our sales when I was a Director of Ecommerce. Some say great navigation can eliminate search. I don't agree. We live in a search culture thanks to Google so people are going to search your site. Using search to build and merchandise highly effective landing pages is an ecommerce MUST.

There used to be great SaaS tools you could add into your site like Endeca. Now most CMS build in some of those expensive features. I'm a Director of Marketing at Atlantic BT ( ). We've done about 50 Magento installations and Love the platform for its sheer POWER. Magento has many of Endeca's better ideas in their CMS or you can buy plugins to augment this open source platform.

Shopping cart's take sophisticated A/B testing at last and, if you have the budget, multivariate testing (MVT). True MVT creates a regression analysis of all possible variables and provides the best combinations of alternatives. Small tweaks in the cart can mean millions so I recommend using MVT testing tools such as Adobe's Test and Target to get an accurate read. Never blunder into cart renovations since you would be violating first law of Internet marketing, "DO NO HARM."

So tackle all of these ideas, but understand the article mixes the complicated with the easy :).M


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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Just Say NO To These Common SEO Mistakes

Just Say NO To These Common SEO Mistakes | Curation Revolution |
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

5 Common SEO Mistakes To Avoid
SEO as an optimization strategy may be dead, but technical SEO or using the right signals to properly define your content marketing remains important.

5 Common SEO Mistakes To Avoid
1. Only Create One H1 tag.
2. Title is IMPORTANT & Company Name goes at the end.

3. Order matters always important to left and count down.

4. Keywords are GOOD, but don't spam (meta and body text).

5. No JUNK in your Head.

This last tip means don't have a bunch of useless javascript in your <head></head> tag. The spider starts reading and isn't patient. Large amounts of text in your head (the area before your body tag) can eat up all of your spider's "read".

Ask yourself some basic questions. Do you REALLY need that rollover or can you call the script by using an external file instead of putting all that code in the head.

Remember SPEED is paramount and looping Javascript can create conflict and slow page load and spider reads way down (don't to that would be my advice). Do a simple cost / benefit analysis and keep it simple.

Martin (Marty) Smith's comment, July 10, 2013 9:15 AM
Like Stephanie's postage stamp analogy. Some social tools such as @Scoopit can become creation tools too (not just delivery vehicles). is a hybrid both postage stamp, letter and curated letter (from other sources). Why it rocks SEO and is fun to use. Also the fastest feedback loop on the web :). M
Esther Turón Perez 's comment, July 18, 2013 4:18 AM
Very good!
Stephanie Katcher's comment, July 18, 2013 11:33 AM
Thanks Martin! You're right about's role. Now I need to dig up the mindmap I have for key players.
Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Social Engagement!

4 Social SEO Mistakes

4 Social SEO Mistakes | Curation Revolution |

Just because you recognize that social media marketing and SEO go hand-in-hand, that doesn't mean there aren't pitfalls you should  be aware of.

Via Ken Horst
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