The Ultimate Guide to a Perfect LinkedIn Profile | e-commerce & social media |

I have to be honest here, setting up and optimizing a LinkedIn profile takes time. This is not going to be a "Clean Up Your LinkedIn Profile In 5 Minutes" kind of post. So while it will only take a few minutes for you and I to run through these suggestions, be prepared to spend a considerably greater amount of time actually implementing some of them. Fortunately, once done, you can relax, have a glass of wine, and just pop back into your profile every few weeks or months to make a couple updates.

Before we jump into these recommendations, let me make one more point perfectly clear. These are not necessarily recommendations for the perfect LinkedIn profile if you're looking for a job. I am writing this from my own perspective, as someone who is using their LinkedIn profile to connect with influencers, partners or prospects. I already have a business and I am counting on LinkedIn to help me grow that business and reach more of their nearly 200 million active monthly users....

Via Jeff Domansky