Le meilleur #désherbant de #Monsanto désormais présent dans les #aliments pour #animaux #domestiques ainsi que dans les #céréales - RT US News | RSE et Développement Durable | Scoop.it
Two new studies show how extensively Monsanto’s best-selling herbicide glyphosate has permeated our food chain. Designated carcinogenic by some health authorities, it was found in over 40 pet foods and breakfast cereals.

Researchers at Cornell University found glyphosate in all 18 of the dog and cat food brands they surveyed, including one product that was certified GMO-free. They stressed that the chemical was present in low concentrations – lower than those typically found in human food, at least – but glyphosate's effect on domestic animals in any concentration is unknown, and studieshave found human cells to show negative effects when exposed to levels of glyphosate-based herbicides far below those deemed "safe" by regulators.

Via ThePlanetaryArchives/BlackHorseMedia - San Francisco