How #Helsinki cut food transport emissions using #sustainable #procurement | RSE et Développement Durable |
The City of Helsinki’s Palvelukeskus Helsinki (Helsinki Service Center) provides food for over 100,000 people every day. Schools, daycare centers and nursing homes in different parts of the city all receive food from the Service Center, which is responsible for both producing and delivering food.

The largest production plant is in Pakkala, Vantaa, which delivers approximately 15,000 kg of daily food to over 60,000 customers. The food delivery logistics encompass transportation to and from the Pakkala plant, between other production plants and the delivery of meals.

In 2018, the Service Center went out with a tender that included all of the three aspects of food delivery logistics with a contract value of over 8 million euro. The goal of the tender was to improve customer-oriented operations and their reliability, prevent gray markets, save costs and improve the environmental sustainability of the transport system.

Via EcoVadis