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Gartner study shows financial value of human-centric and flexible work models 

Gartner study shows financial value of human-centric and flexible work models  | Workplace News |
Employees who operate in human-centric work models – where they are seen as people, not just resources – are 3.8 times more likely to be high performing, according to a survey by Gartner, Inc.
Kate Lister's insight:

According to Gartner, the three pillars of human-centric work models are flexible work, intentional collaboration, and empathy-based management. Their research shows people who operate in these environments are:

  • 3.8 times more likely to be high-performing
  • 3.2 times more likely to stay
  • 3.1 times more likely to report lower fatigue

Among the five approaches organizations have taken toward flexibility—fully remote, fully on-site, mandated office attendance, rigid hybrid, and flexible hybrid—Gartner found the only one that achieved significant talent outcomes was flexible hybrid

The study also found that employees are:

  • 2.3 times higher performance when they were allowed to decide when they work.
  • 2.5 times more likely to be high performing and 4 times more likely to report lower fatigue when they had strong input into their organization's work design.

“To gain competitive advantage, organizations must go beyond location flexibility and place human beings at the center of work, rather than treating them as secondary components of their work environment,” said Graham Waller, vice president in the Gartner Executive Leadership practice.


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The latest news and research about agile workplace strategies and practices
Curated by Kate Lister
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If you do business in California, there's a new $500,000 reason to reduce employee commutes, business travel, and more 

If you do business in California, there's a new $500,000 reason to reduce employee commutes, business travel, and more  | Workplace News |
Kate Lister's insight:

In early 2024, California became the first state to require companies to publicly disclose their Scope 3 emissions—a catch all for the carbon footprint associated with, among other things, commuter travel, business travel, and office furniture. Failure to do so by 2027 could result in a fine of up to $500k. Similar laws are already in place in parts of Europe and will likely spread in the U.S. This might be a good time to figure out how your company is comply with this next level of ESG reporting. 

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Quick Peek Inside the latest WE:Brief (2024, Q1)

  • Gartner predicts AI agents will attend 25% of meetings by 2025
  • Misleading report on home office productivity
  • Since 2019, distance to office has nearly tripled for employees of small and midsize companies
  • Dan Pink on the psychological, physiological, pathological, and neurobiological role of the sign in managing stress
  • New research shows office mandates don't work for people or profit
  • Four companies that are getting hybrid & culture right
  • Where AI is headed and how it will impact everything you do
  • KPMG survey shows two-thirds of CEOs think employees will be back in the office full-time three years from now
  • Leaders are clueless about whether employees want to separate or integrate their work and life.
  • Regular remote work can halve an employee's carbon footprint but only if they modify their behavior
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New research shows less than 25% of employers have trained managers or employees for hybrid

New research shows less than 25% of employers have trained managers or employees for hybrid | Workplace News |
Kate Lister's insight:

New research shows 75% of organizations have not prepared their workforce to be successful with hybrid and remote work. Specifically, they have not:
- Trained managers to manage a distributed workforce
- Trained employees in best practices for remote or hybrid work
- Adopted team and/or communications norms

The 2024 State of Workplace Flexibility Report, a collaboration between TechSmith, Global Workplace Analytics, and Caryatid LLC, covers a wide range of topics including how employees collaborate and communicate, the mix of asynchronous and synchronous practices they use and would like to use for collaboration, communication, and meetings, and much more. Each topic is nuanced by the respondent's age, the size of the company they work for, their place in the organization, and their role.

Download your free copy of the 30-page report HERE!

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AI agents will attend over 25% of virtual and hybrid meetings by end of 2025 (Gartner)

AI agents will attend over 25% of virtual and hybrid meetings by end of 2025 (Gartner) | Workplace News |
Kate Lister's insight:
Gartner's just released report on AI's Impact on the Employee Experience offers some bold predictions including:
  • By year-end 2025, AI agents will attend over 25% of virtual and hybrid meetings, causing a shift in attendance and engagement by humans.
  • By 2028, GenAI will be so tightly woven into personal and team productivity applications that it will scarcely merit comment by employees and will require little, if any, oversight.
  • By 2028, enterprises will enhance productivity by replacing 60% of SaaS workplace applications that lack GenAI-driven capabilities with those that do.
  • By 2026, 50% of governments worldwide will enforce use of Responsible AI through regulations, policies and the need for data privacy. [Yikes, only 50%]
Organizations need to ready themselves for rapid change and the use of AI with upskilling, training, change management, cross-functional collaboration, and strong governance!
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Misleading report on home versus in-office productivity

Misleading report on home versus in-office productivity | Workplace News |
In recent years, millions of people worldwide transitioned from working in offices to at home, sparking a rise in questions about productivity, health…
Kate Lister's insight:

Studies, or more specifically, the headlines about them boil my blood. In this one, the highlights indicate that "work performance" is better in-office. However, the findings show only one of the five factors they use to measure performance, motivation, has a statistically significant positive impact. Two other measures, stress and fatigue, are significantly higher in the office. And the last two, work output and focus do not have a statistically significant impact!


So how do those findings support a highlight about "work performance" being better in the office? They don't.

Meanwhile, they don't even include the finding that "connection to coworkers", which is significantly better in the office, as a work performance measure. 

I'm guessing only the geeks among us read beyond the title, bulleted highlights, and conclusion in scientific papers. The media certainly doesn't and it looks like even peer-reviewed journals are skimming, not reading their entries.

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Since 2019, distance to office nearly tripled for employees of small and midsize companies

Since 2019, distance to office nearly tripled for employees of small and midsize companies | Workplace News |
New study shows that despite return-to-office mandates from larger companies, a large portion of Americans who work for small and midsized businesses now live farther from their employers.
Kate Lister's insight:

A brand new study of move trends among employees of small and mid-size employers—which collectively account for 99% of US companies and 59% of the US workforce—shows the average distance between home and office almost tripled since the start of the pandemic (from 10 miles to 27 miles). The share of employees who live more than 50 miles from their employer mushroomed nearly fivefold. 


The biggest shift in distance was among, the highest earners (those making over $250k/year), Millennials, and those hired after the start of the pandemic.


This trend will have far-reaching impacts, both good and bad, on society including housing affordability, downtown and suburban commerce, commercial real estate values, shifting political lines, opportunities for the un- and under-employed, diversity, entrepreneurship, sustainability, transportation options and infrastructure, funding for city services, business travel, and more.





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Dan Pink on the Psychological, Physiological, Pathological, and Neurobiological Role of the Sigh on Managing Stress 

Dan Pink on the Psychological, Physiological, Pathological, and Neurobiological Role of the Sigh on Managing Stress  | Workplace News |

Drawing on the scientific paper, "The Integrative Role of Sigh in Psychology, Physiology, Pathology, and Neurobiology," Dan Pink shares his favorite stress buster. 

Kate Lister's insight:

If reading a 25-page scientific paper on how a simple sigh can help relieve your stress and anxiety is your kind of fun, Google the title of this post. If it isn't, watch this 3-minute video from Dan Pink. Spoiler alert: two short breaths in, one out. 



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New Research Shows Office Mandates Don't Work For People or Profit

New Research Shows Office Mandates Don't Work For People or Profit | Workplace News |
Two new studies suggest remote work not only lures more diverse and experienced candidates willing to trade higher pay for flexibility—but that office mandates don't appear to boost financial performance, hurting job satisfaction instead.
Kate Lister's insight:

The article cites several new large academic studies that 1) debunk the CEO gripes about distributed work reducing productivity and engagement, 2) show that distributed work increases diversity, 3) more powerful CEOs are more likely to issue return-to-office mandates and 4) firms with a prior quarter drop in stock price were more likely to introduce an RTO mandate. 


In terms of diversity, a study from Wharton that looked at data from over half a million jobs, found jobs offered as "remote" received 15% more female applicants, 33% more minority applicants, and a 17% increase in applicant experience.

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Four companies that are getting hybrid & culture right

Four companies that are getting hybrid & culture right | Workplace News |
Here's how some “Best Companies to Work For” create and sustain organizational culture as employees juggle in-office and virtual work.
Kate Lister's insight:

The article offers four great examples of companies that are doubling down on getting distributed work, working right and reaping the results. Their flexibility initiatives are paired with new practices, new employee resources, and workplace redesign.


Synchrony credits the program for a 35% increase in their applicant pool.


ServiceNow credits flexible work for 90% of its staff for a 44% reduction in turnover, 94% participation in their employee voice survey, and engagement at 81%. 


Nationwide credits the changes they have made to support flexibility for fortifying its culture and contributing to honor as a Best Place To Work two years in a row.


AECOM says it's digital-first mindset has help them put well-being at the center of its culture.


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Where AI is headed and how it will impact everything you do

Where AI is headed and how it will impact everything you do | Workplace News |
We can start to see, dimly, what the near future of AI looks like.
Kate Lister's insight:

This is a really interesting article about where AI and large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT are headed soon. It's written by a professor from Wharton who is studying how AI will change how we learn and how we work.


He predicts the next iteration will be able to out-innovate many humans and enhance our performance of complex tasks. Google, Microsoft/Open AI, and a few others are adding the ability of their models to hear, speak, see, and create images. These models can now match the performance of experts in diagnosing disease, reading radiology reports, detecting design and production defects, evaluating auto insurance claims, critiquing VC pitches, prioritizing emails, and more. 


The author stresses that these models are not perfect, but they are already performing far better than they were just ten months ago.

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KPMG survey shows two-thirds of CEOs think employees will be back in the office full time three years from now

KPMG survey shows two-thirds of CEOs think employees will be back in the office full time three years from now | Workplace News |
But fewer CEOs feel confident of their firm’s fortunes than last year, a KPMG survey shows. More execs also want people back in the office.
Kate Lister's insight:

A new survey of CEOs conducted by KPMG suggests large employers are still not on board with hybrid or remote work. 64% think employees will be back in the office in three years' time (up from just 34% in 2022). 


REALLY? This certainly isn't what I am seeing and hearing. How about you?


Nearly nine in ten say they will use favorable assignments, raises, and promotions as rewards for those who comply. 


REALLY? Is that even legal? Leaders may think those incentives are carrots but I would bet the employees who want a hybrid or remote arrangement will see them as sticks.

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Most CHROs are clueless about whether employees want to separate or integrate their work and life

Most CHROs are clueless about whether employees want to separate or integrate their work and life | Workplace News |
A new metric reveals how employees want to configure work and life, a preference that can have a big impact on how they are managed in the new workforce.
Kate Lister's insight:

Maybe we should ask them rather than assume?

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Regular Remote Work Can Halve An Employee's Carbon Footprint BUT Only If They Modify Behavior

Regular Remote Work Can Halve An Employee's Carbon Footprint BUT Only If They Modify Behavior | Workplace News |
Kate Lister's insight:

Remote work advocates have long held that working from home can substantially reduce an employee's carbon footprint. An in-depth study from Cornell University and Microsoft found that may be true, but only if they do so two or more days a week, do not replace their commuter travel with driving for other reasons, and their employer is able to reduce real estate or energy usage.


Desk-sharing among hybrid workers, for example, was shown to reduce a company's carbon footprint by 28%. Under those conditions, the research estimates remote work four or five days a week can reduce an employee's carbon footprint by up to 54%. Less frequent work-from-home can reduce it by up to 29%, but at one day a week, there is almost no savings.


The study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, meticulously measured in-office and at-home energy usage. The latter included the carbon footprint associated with home computer equipment—which was found to be negligible. They also looked at extra energy used due to heating, cooling, lighting, and even cooking; and "induced driving"—extra trips to the store, school pickups, social activities, and more. 


As companies struggle to quantify their Scope 3 environmental impact, which includes employee travel, they need to understand there isn't necessarily a one-to-one reduction in remote work and an employee's carbon footprint. 


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Sponsor Spotlight: NavigatorCRE

Sponsor Spotlight: NavigatorCRE | Workplace News |

NavigatorCRE is redefining the management and analysis of global real estate portfolios for asset owners & occupiers. With its unmatched user experience, and seamless data integrations, it stands at the forefront of innovation. The platform consolidates disparate systems and data streams, offering a unified, clear view that transcends traditional barriers. This enables robust business intelligence capabilities and ensures comprehensive, actionable insights are readily accessible. NavigatorCRE not only simplifies the decision-making process but also empowers real estate teams to achieve optimized space utilization and substantial cost savings, all through a lens that brings clarity and cohesion to a complex data landscape.

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Sponsor Spotlight: Eptura

Sponsor Spotlight: Eptura | Workplace News |

Eptura™ is a global worktech company that digitally connects people, workplaces, and assets in a unified platform to enable our customers to thrive. In 2023, Eptura’s Workplace Index reports explored the changing work environment in detail, painting a complete picture of the current state and near future of asset and facility management.


Backed by proprietary data and commissioned research, our latest report provides an up-to-date overview of the evolving workplace across four demands — freedom and connection, value creation and cost control, flexibility and certainty, and CO2 targets and costs. Get the Q4 Workplace Index for the latest insights.

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WE Love Our Sponsors

WE Love Our Sponsors | Workplace News |

WE Love our 2024 Sponsors! Your generous support makes our community, programs, and events possible.

If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please contact Contact David Karpook  or Pat Turnbull for details.

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Quick Peek Inside This WE:Brief (2024, Edition 1)

  • Republicans are far more skeptical of WFH productivity than Democrats 
  • Half of Grindr's Workforce Resigns Over RTO Mandate
  • Gender Gap in Workforce Participation and Pay Reaches Record Low
  • Global Survey Shows Less Than Half of Adults Trust CEOs to Do the Right Thing
  • The Untapped Potential in Holistic Flexibility—Lessons From Neurodiversity
  • Millions to Benefit (Or Not) From Britain's Flexible Working Bill
  • Sponsor Spotlight: MovePlan
  • Don't miss a single WE session at World Workplace Denver
  • Limited Availability for IFMA's Workplace Strategy & Leadership Program—Reserve Now!
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Trust in Business and Confidence That Things Will Get Better Declining in Most Countries

Trust in Business and Confidence That Things Will Get Better Declining in Most Countries | Workplace News |
Lack of faith in societal institutions triggered by economic anxiety, disinformation, mass-class divide, and a failure of leadership brought us to where we are today – deeply polarized.
Kate Lister's insight:

The trust crisis goes far beyond how managers feel about their workers. The Edelman Trust Barometer, a survey of 32k adults from 28 countries, shows:

- Compared to 2022, trust in business declined in over half of countries surveyed

- Only 40% of respondents trust they will be better off in 5 years (down 10 percentage points from 2022)

- Nearly 90% are worried about losing their job

- Only 48% trust CEOs to "do what is right"

- Respondents want business leaders to step up their game on social issues. They were over six times more likely to say business leaders should be doing more, rather than less, about climate change, income inequality, energy shortages, and healthcare access, and five times more likely to say the same about workforce up-skilling

- Over 70% felt CEOs are obligated to expose questionable science that is used to justify bad policy and/or pull money from platforms that spread misinformation

The trends vary substantially between countries. Download the full report for the details.

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Are People Who WFH Productive? The Answer Depends on Whether You Ask a Democrat or Republican 

Are People Who WFH Productive? The Answer Depends on Whether You Ask a Democrat or Republican  | Workplace News |

Republicans are more skeptical about WFH productivity than Democrats and independents. 

Kate Lister's insight:

Gallup's latest WFH data shows 42% percent of Republicans believe employees who WFH are less productive than on-site workers, compared with 23% of independents and 13% of Democrats. 

Other trends the new data reveals:

- Overall, 73% of U.S. adults think remote workers are just as or more productive than their in-office colleagues.

- The average frequency of WFH, among those who have ever done so, is 1.9 days a week. This represents a 35% decrease from the peak of the pandemic (when the average was 3 days a week), and a 33% increase over the frequency in 2019 (1.5 days a week).

- Of the people who WFH, 63% now do so instead of traveling to an office. rather than working from home after-hours in addition to their in office work

#wfh #remotework #distributedwork #productivity #gallup 

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Don't miss Workplace Evolutionaries' amazing lineup of sessions and activities planned for IFMA's World Workplace in Denver (Sept 25-29)!

Don't miss Workplace Evolutionaries' amazing lineup of sessions and activities planned for IFMA's World Workplace in Denver (Sept 25-29)! | Workplace News |

Check out the awesome sessions and activities Workplace Evolutionaries has planned for IFMA's World Workplace in Denver (Sept 25-29)! Download the full schedule here

Kate Lister's insight:

Here is a schedule of what WE has planned for IFMA's World Workplace in Denver (Sept 25-29)! 

Tuesday's Half-Day Event at Gensler's Denver Office (9/26, 10-2):
WE Converge—an intimate dialog on shaping the future of urban workspaces. This half-day session is free, but seats are limited. Reserve your spot here.

Wednesday's lineup (9/27):
• What's new with WE, a quick overview of all WE has to offer from the WE leadership team
• The Emerging Role of the Chief Workplace Officer with Leni Rivera
• Structured Choice: Creating a Structure for Flexibility with John H. Vivadelli
• ESG By The Numbers with Suki Reilly, MCR.w, SLCR
• WE: What's Next and Close with Kate North and Michelle Weiss
• Fun and Networking at the combined WE/IT/EMEA Social—Reservations required! Advance sign-up required; limited seats. Sign up in advance:

Thursday's lineup (9/28):
• The Future of Work: Navigating Emerging Technologies and Leveraging Data to Attract Talent with Henry Massey & Kate Lister. Spoiler: There will be an exciting first-ever reveal of the WE Metaverse created just for WE by Elora Partners
• Optimizing the Triple Bottom Line—What promises to be a lively debate about which way the 'where we work' pendulum will swing? Moderated by WE Moshpit co-founder, David Gray, MCR.w

Friday's lineup (9/29)
• The Circular Workplace, a cross-community initiative and case study in practice with Gary Miciunas and Lisa Whited
• Panel Discussion on the Latest Findings from IFMA's Expert Assessment with Jeffrey SaundersDr. Marie PuybaraudLuis R. ViñaKay SargentPeter Ankerstjerne, and WE founder Kate North

Download all the details here.  

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Half of Grindr's workforce resigned over RTO mandate

Half of Grindr's workforce resigned over RTO mandate | Workplace News |
The dating app told employees last month they had to work from an office twice a week.
Kate Lister's insight:

The online dating site, Grindr, gave its workforce the choice of working in the office twice a week or receiving a six month severance package. Around 80 of 178 employees took them up on it. 


Workers claim the ultimatum, which came in August, was in retaliation for a unionization attempt in July. Whether it was or was not, the loss of trust almost certainly played a role in the big exodus. 


#trust #remote #hybrid #unionization #resignation #turnover

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Gender Gap in Workforce Participation and Pay Reaches Record Low

Gender Gap in Workforce Participation and Pay Reaches Record Low | Workplace News |
The greatest contributors to the post-COVID rebound in labor force participation are prime-age women–remarkably, those with young children.
Kate Lister's insight:

The gender pay and workforce participation gap is at its lowest ever. The research by Brookings identified a surprise bounce back from the start of the pandemic, which initially widened both gaps. While women's participation in the labor force increased across all age brackets, the largest shift was among women with children under the age of five. Though this group's representation in the labor force is still nearly ten percentage points lower than it is for women with older or no children (70.4% vs. 80%), the increase marks the reversal of a decades-long decline.


The study suggests the increase in participation could be due to the increase in flexible work practices, Covid-related fiscal and health policies that made it easier for mothers of young children to have a job, and possibly a reversal of maternity patterns. 

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HBR: The untapped potential in holistic flexibility—Lessons from Neurodiversity

HBR: The untapped potential in holistic flexibility—Lessons from Neurodiversity | Workplace News |

"True, sustainable flexibility is about more than just work location and hours. It encompasses which tasks people do and how they get them done. It’s about making work “fit” people, not the other way around. When organizations center the design of work on humans, values, and long-term success in this way people become productive, resilient, inclusive, and equitable."

Kate Lister's insight:

The opportunities for employee flexibility go way beyond the where and when of work. The author's specialty in neurodiversity has led her to discover a mindset of "comprehensive flexibility" would benefit not just those with a disability or neurodivergence; it would minimize stress and maximize productivity for everyone regardless of gender, race, caregiving, and socio-economic status.


By "comprehensive flexibility," the author means a broad palette of choice in when, where, how much, how regularly, and how consistently a person works. She offers examples of organizations like Lemon Tree Hotels, Ultranauts, and Siemens that offer flex options such as part-time or seasonal work as well as sabbaticals, job-sharing, variable work days, and job-crafting.


We don't hear much about job-crafting— breaking jobs into smaller chunks and reassembling them in a way that better fits the individual—but we will. Imagine if you could do just the parts of the job you enjoy! And you could do them when, where, and how you wanted. 


"It’s about making work “fit” people, not the other way around," says Praslova." When organizations center the design of work on humans, values, and long-term success in this way, they become productive, resilient, inclusive, and equitable."

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Millions to benefit from new flexible working measures

Millions to benefit from new flexible working measures | Workplace News |
Millions of British workers will have more flexibility over where and when they work as the Flexible Working Bill achieves Royal Assent.
Kate Lister's insight:

Perhaps we should be celebrating over this, but I've watched programs like this play out over many years and, well, I'm not convinced this is the way to move the needle on flexibility. Problem is, I can make whatever flexibility requests I want over and over and my employer can reject them over and over.


Why not start with the assumption that people are entitled to flexibility, particularly if it was proven to work during the pandemic? Then put the onus on employers to prove why they can't flex their time or place of work.

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Sponsor Spotlight: MovePlan is a global expert in change and move management services

Sponsor Spotlight: MovePlan is a global expert in change and move management services | Workplace News |

Space is a valuable asset. With more businesses providing hybrid / flexible working policies, it’s important to understand how best to use a workspace. It’s also critical to ensure any workplace transformation is correctly implemented from the outset. MovePlan works with leadership teams to prepare, equip and support employees to use workspaces effectively and adopt new behaviours efficiently—positively impacting how they use their workspace, service clients and deliver a positive workplace experience for all.

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Curated by Kate Lister
Kate is president of Global Workplace Analytics (GWA), a research-based consulting organization that helps employers create and communicate the people, planet, and profit business case for mobile, distributed, and flexible work.