4 types of training videos for learning | DIGITAL LEARNING | Scoop.it

You probably already know that video can be an excellent medium for training. But before you get started building your video, you need to decide what type of training video to create to get the best results.

Whether you are tasked to make a training video or you initiated the project yourself, you probably have customers (internal or external) who have expectations of what the training should be and how it should be delivered. With that in mind, one crucial step before you choose what type of video to make is to consider your customers’ expectations. Be prepared to get buy-in from your stakeholders (and possibly from viewers) if you’re diverting from what they expect. This can be subliminally through framing, or explicitly by explaining your approach.

So, you need to think about how you’re going to handle customer expectations, but you should also consider your learning objectives. What do you hope to achieve with this training? Is the goal to inspire, persuade, remind, or demonstrate? While there are many types of videos you can employ to execute your tactic, there are four big genres that lend themselves well to video learning:

Via Edumorfosis