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Curated by Gerrit Bes
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Curation, Social Business and Beyond!

Overwhelmed By Social Media? Here Are 7 Ways to Keep Up

Overwhelmed By Social Media? Here Are 7 Ways to Keep Up | Latest Social Media News |

This a timely and important piece from Mark Schaefer of {grow} in which he touches upon several issues which confront all of us who are trying to keep our heads above water in the ever-evolving world of Social Media.


To quote: "Not only do the platforms shift every day, the rules of engagement change constantly, too. Can anybody keep up with the real (and rumored) changes just to Facebook's EdgeRank formula? What we considered best practices six months ago are passé today. Social media is overwhelming, especially when there is pressure to master every new platform that comes along  How do you keep up?."




** Platforms may change but marketing fundamentals remain the same


** Absolutely nobody can navigate this changing world alone as there are too many facets to it, so form a mutually beneficial support group.


** There's too much informationfor any one person to keep on top of all of it, so pick a main focus and try really hard to keep mainly to that.


** Know your audience and go where you will find them. This might mean giving up on one of the major platforms.  Swallow hard and do it!


** The more successful you become and the more your reach grows, the less time you will have to engage one-on-one with people. Don't let yourself feel guilty about this as it is inevitable.


** Go to a trusted source for information but be warned: Such a place may not (yet) exist.


Curated by Jan Gordon covering "Curation, Social Business and Beyond"


See article here: []


Via janlgordon
Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Curation, Social Business and Beyond!

How to Maximize the Reach of Your Posts on Social Networks

How to Maximize the Reach of Your Posts on Social Networks | Latest Social Media News |

This article and infographic was posted by Ted Nguyen for his blog.




One of the most pressing questions whether you're new to social media or a social media maven is: What's the best way to post information or share content to optimize your reach

Compendium, a content marketing firm conducted a study of more than 200 companies to determine how social media professionals may optimize their engagement with both business-to-business-to-consumer conversations.

What they found is consistent with what Ted Nguyen has experienced and he has demonstrated that he clearly knows what he's doing

Here are some highlights:


"My experience in sharing more than 21,000 tweets and Facebook posts to my more than 82,000 Twitter followers and Facebook friends is consistent with the study’s findings"


**I recommend the hours between 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. (Pacific Time) or 1 to 4 p.m. (Eastern Time) are the best times for Twitter and Facebook to optimize social engagement engagement.


**I find that tweets shared earlier in the week do better than those sent later in the week. I also have discovered that Facebook posts do best Wednesday early afternoon.


**if you look at Ted's social shares, they run around the clock. he tries his best to engage with people in real time or near real time.



Selected by Jan Gordon covering: "Curation, Social Business and Beyond" 


Read article and see infographic here: []


Infographic by DKNewMedia


Survey by Compendium

Via janlgordon
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Curation, Social Business and Beyond!

10 Types of “Tweets” That Encourage REAL Connection

10 Types of “Tweets” That Encourage REAL Connection | Latest Social Media News |

 Great post by Kim Garst, Twitter can be a very powerful tool to build your business if you use it wisely.




The purpose of Twitter and all social media, is not to make money, but to brand YOU and your business and build relationships with potential and existing customers. The money will follow if you put your customers FIRST.


**Mix your "business" talk with "life" talk




"Twitter challenges personal brands to reach out to their audience differently than they would in traditional marketing and/or social media platforms."


Here are some highlights that caught my attention:


**The resource sharing tweet - Find a great article or a resource that you know your target audience could benefit from


**The quotable tweet - This one speaks for itself


**Tip of the Day Tweet - great way to provide relevant content to your target audience by providing them a valuable piece of info that they can use either personally or profesionally. This also builds vlaue for you as an expert within your niche.


Selected by Jan Gordon covering "Content Curation, Social Business and Beyond"


Read full article here: []

Via janlgordon
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Bootstrapping Social Media Tools & Apps!

Inspiring Breakthroughs - OsakaBentures

Inspiring Breakthroughs - OsakaBentures | Latest Social Media News |

#bootstrapping #socialmedia #startup #howto via @osakasaul #sso powered by #ritetag

Via OsakaSaul
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from MarketingHits!

How to Identify Relevant Online Influencers with These 3 Tools

How to Identify Relevant Online Influencers with These 3 Tools | Latest Social Media News |

This piece and infographic is from Adam Vincenzini on his blog.


I selected this article because it's another way for you to find key influencers and these tools will help to narrow your search


Here are some highlights:


Instead of focusing on the subjectivity of this process (and how this insight is deployed) Here's how you can use a combination of free tools to narrow your search.


Where do online influencers operate?

**They are active everywhere:


     Most popular are:

     blogs, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Online

     communities, discussion boards




**Influencers are active on Twitter

**Influencers operate some for of blogging hub


Focus on the intelligence you can glean from Twitter initially then verify this initial sweep with blog (or relevant hub) data


The initial steps involve:


1. Search by keyword

2. Search by location


3 tools useful in the process: The first two you can also search by location:


** - then run this through another influencer tool -   

     tweetlevel to give it even more relevance (this isn't fool proof)




There are more suggestions in this piece having said that:


**No matter how hard we try, a 100% fool proof influence rating is near on impossible because influence is not a science, it can't be.


** this can help narrow things down, significantly


Selected by Jan Gordon covering "Content Curation, Social Business and Beyond"


Read full article here: []

Via janlgordon, Brian Yanish -
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Social Media (network, technology, blog, community, virtual reality, etc...)!

Here's A Content Marketing Plan That Delivers Results! [Infographic included]

Here's A Content Marketing Plan That Delivers Results! [Infographic included] | Latest Social Media News |

I selected this piece was written by Chris Sietsema for convinceandconvert blog because the post plus the infographic lays out a very clear and concise plan to create your content marketing strategy.


**Whether you're creating or curating content, this is something I think is very useful. This is why I rescooped this from my content marketing, social media and beyond  topic.


Here are a few highlights from the article:


He compares selecting and producing content to what he calls "bricks" and "feathers".


Bricks are referred to as research reports


**are larger content productions such as research reports, events, white papers        .

    video series, mobile apps, etc


**have the potential to make a larger splash when executed and promoted correctly.


Feathers are comprised of simple text and photo content published via popular social media tools like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest, etc.


**Less intensive than bricks from a production budget standpoint, feathers are created consistently to maintain an ongoing stream of communication between a brand and its audience.


The infographic shows you how to discern what content to use and illustrates the how, what, why and when to use it.


Curated by Jan Gordon covering, "Content Marketing, Social Media and Beyond"


Read article and see infographic here: []

Via janlgordon, ABroaderView, roberto toppi
Beth Kanter's comment, February 26, 2012 12:26 PM
I like this analogy/metaphor. It is easy and quick to make feathers from your bricks, but the bricks take time. Can a curated collection of feathers be made into a brick? :-)
janlgordon's comment, February 26, 2012 1:10 PM
Beth Kanter
I'm glad you liked the article! I love your question, I do think a curated collection of feathers around a particular theme can be turned into a brick. What comes to mind, if you're distilling the comments from the posts (feathers) it's possible that this could evolve into a (brick) research reports, white papers, the possibilities are endless:-)
Beth Kanter's comment, February 26, 2012 1:23 PM
What comes to mind is that a smashed brick is a lot of feathers .. and that you can lead them back to the brick ... for example, I work with some advocacy folks who have these huge bricks called policy papers. They could tweet key points w/links back to the papers on Twitter. Have them cued up for a month in advance .. as you say the techniques are endless .. What I found most helpful was the objectives and metrics ..
Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from "Social Media"!

17 Social Media Cheat Sheets [Infographics]

17 Social Media Cheat Sheets [Infographics] | Latest Social Media News |

People & businesses use a variety of social media sites for a variety of applications. These visual guides are a helpful way to understand the best uses of each site.


Visit the article link for a list of cheat sheets for major social media sites. These infographic tools help to identify keyboard shortcuts and other functionalities to assist in your social media workflow, marketing efforts and engagement. The infographic links also share best practices for specific sites, such as Facebook and Twitter.

Via Lauren Moss, Jose H. Flores
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Curation, Social Business and Beyond!

7 Ways to Find, Engage & Leverage Powerful Influencers

7 Ways to Find, Engage & Leverage Powerful Influencers | Latest Social Media News |

This piece was written by Belinda Stinson for Jeff Bullas's blog


Jan Gordon: My commentary


This is one of the suggestions that was mentioned in tis article but I can't stress this enough, it should be #1


After you've discovered who the right influencers are, always look for ways you can sincerely contribute to them that is meaningful, then find ways to leverage the relationship and make it a win/win for both of you. 




 "if you want to grow your business, you need to know who the influencers are in your field, learn from their expertise and build a productive professional relationship with them".


Why leverage influencers?:


"Influencers are hubs of information, they have many followers who respect their recommendations and opionions and being featured by them sends a powerful amount of targeted traffic your way - It's good old fashioned word of mouth recommendations on steriods"

Here are a few ways to discover influencers that I personally do myself:

**Twitter Lists - Twitter is a great untapped resource for finding influencers and keep track of what they are posting

**Groups and Forums - These are valuable sources of information.

**Podcasts and webinars - This is a great way to find key influencers - whether it's through interviews, presentations, information products of their own or curated information by others

Here are a few ways to build relationships that I've found very effective in finding influencers in my industry:


**Connect through the social media platforms they use


**Share the posts that are of value to your audience, retweet & quote their content, share, comment and like their Facebook posts


**Help promote what they are involved with, including charity causes, seminars, conferences, publiations and promotions


Selected by Jan Gordon covering, "Curation, Social Business and Beyond"


See full articles here: []

Via janlgordon
Sterling Dee's comment, August 18, 2012 10:28 PM
you write the best summaries/commentaries, Jan!
janlgordon's comment, August 19, 2012 1:11 AM
Thank you so much Sterling, I really appreciate your feedback!
Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Curation, Social Business and Beyond!

How to Understand, Identify & Engage with Social Influencers [Infographic]

How to Understand, Identify & Engage with Social Influencers [Infographic] | Latest Social Media News |

I chose this infographic and article from Blackbaud because it helps you go from social media to social business. It was written for non-profits but it definitely applies to any business as well.


By understanding how to evaluate people by their degree of influence and their ability to help change behavior in others can be invaluable to you and your organization.


**It's also important to use this information to understand how you and your organization fit into this mix. They say knowledge is power, once you have a clearer picture, you can shift what you're doing and take your business or cause to the next level for greater results.




"Understanding the Value of Your Social Media Influencers: How to Identify and Empower Those Who Can Engage an Entire Community!

(Download the White Paper Today!)"


Here are some highlights:


**Learn how to use the information your consitiuents are sharing to attract more people to your mission, campaign.


**Learn how to analyze your database and assign social scores to engagers that represents their ability to interact with and influence others across their online networks


**Based on the social score you assign to these individuals, you can then segment them into one of four categories, each of which plays a diferent role on social networks, relevant to your business


Here are the categories:


Key Influencers - They have a powerful impact not only the people they know but also others they don't know. Their posts are widely spread and shared by more people than many other people



Engagers - These people have well-established social networks and are strong influencers of people they know personally


Multichannel Consumers - They enjoy keeping up with social media conent and occasionally participate. Their influence is not a dominent part of their persona


Standard Consumers These engagers read and watc updates more than they create new content or make comments. They are more influenced by family and friends.


Selected by Jan Gordon covering "Content Curation, Social Business and Beyond"


Read article and see infographic here: []

Via janlgordon
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Curation, Social Business and Beyond!

'Social' Content Attracts & Engages More Customers - Here's How

'Social' Content Attracts & Engages More Customers - Here's How | Latest Social Media News |

I selected this piece by Patricia Redsicker for Social Media Examiner for two reasons -


**It's a great review of Lee Oden's new book Optimize: How to Engage Your Customers by Integrating SEO, Social Media and Content Marketing 


**The book is timely and relevant it's about optimizing content for customer and user experiences, rather than for search engines which is becoming increasingly important


Here's what caught my attention:


Chapter 1: Setting the Stage for an Optimized State of Mind


**Use words that matter most to your customers in titles, links and body copy in order to inspire your readers to take action


Chapter 9: Content Isn't King, It's the Kingdom - Creation vs. Curation


**mix curated content with original content. In fact,  curating is a great way to extend your own site, but only in addition to—not instead of—your original content



So many great tips on types of content to curate, here are just a few:


**Content created by influential people who are important to your target audience


**Aggregating the best comments from your own or others's blogs


**White papers, ebooks and case studies


**Tips, how-to's and best practices


Chapter 11 Social Networking Development - Don't Be Late to the Networking Party


**Listen, participate, create optiized content and understand the triggers that will inspire sales or referrals


**It's important to know which specific social networks are relevant to your customers


Curated by Jan Gordon covering "Content Curation, Social Business and Beyond"


Read full article here: []

Via janlgordon
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from GOOGLE+ Watch!

4 Tips To Creatively Style Your Google+ Posts [Infographic]

4 Tips To Creatively Style Your Google+ Posts [Infographic] | Latest Social Media News |
One thing most social networking services have in common is the inability to do something creative with your posts.


is there any social networking service out there that allows styling in the approach that word processors use? Well yes there is! As a matter of fact, one of the newest and most rapidly growing sites is actually doing just that.


Google+ has some “brackets” that you can use to style your posts, however it seems most people don’t know about them.


**There are 3 ways you can style your posts, and Simon Heyes put them together together a small guide for you all.


Selected  by Jan Gordon covering "Google+ Watch"


Read article and see full infographic here: []

Via janlgordon
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