Amazon Details, National Podcast Day, Is Podbean Still Bad? | Podcasts |

Is Podcasting a Winter Sport?
As people can now download new episodes anywhere over their phone (no need to go home and synchronize your ipod like we did in 2009.

Buying iTunes Reviews [4:09]
Is it OK to "Buy" podcast reviews in iTunes?

It seems more of an accepted strategy (as long as they are form listeners and not some fake person from fiverr). The thing to keep in mind is that you can't contact the person in iTunes. If you pick momstaxi34 as the winner, how do you co...

Is Podbean Still Bad? [38:00]

Miss Ileane from asks is Podbean still bad?

They seem to meet most of my needs.

1. They don’t rename my file

2. They don’t mess with my ID3 tags.

3. They have stats

4. They have the ability to leave (a redirect option).

5. They have support.

The thing that makes me worry about podbean is that I can’ find a location and person. There is an address on their website, but if you go to Google Earth, we can’t verify if its a real address. The other thing that is weird is they list shows that are NOT on the network as if they are.

NOTE: Dave went over and looked and their stats have improved since the last time he looked at them, and he is going to do another review of their service.

Here are some weird things about

They have a twitter account, but no tweets.