Stephen's Web ~ #OpenedMOOC Week 6: The Triumph of the Immaterial | Education 2.0 & 3.0 |
I don't know if it counts to say I've been 'attending the Open Education MOOC' for the last six weeks if all I've done is create some videos ahead of time and read some blog posts during the course. But hey, it counts for me, and I'll chalk it up as a 'completed MOOC' even if I didn't really visit the course website (sorry Dave and George, it was an EdX page-turner, I hope you understand). As usual, Jenny Mackness captures some really useful insights, including especially the idea of OER as ephemeral art. Anyhow , the course did what it was supposed to, generated some controversy, and a good time was had by all. Now we'll all wait for the open analytics from the course.

Via Miloš Bajčetić