Speakers-Trusted Advisors-Consultants
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onto Speakers-Trusted Advisors-Consultants
November 10, 2012 1:48 PM

Becoming a “Go-to” expert with Public Speaking « Keith Ferrazzi

Becoming a “Go-to” expert with Public Speaking « Keith Ferrazzi | Speakers-Trusted Advisors-Consultants | Scoop.it
What can introverts do to ensure that they get the credit pay and career they deserve?

Excellent blog post on Keith Ferrazzi's Blog about introverts becoming as successful as extroverts. One of the great game changers in driving business is as Keith says "Becoming the GO-TO expert with public speaking.

Are you becoming a GO-TO expert through your public speaking? How good is your public talks?

If you're not leveraging this strategy, what are doing to master the technique of public speaking?

I am now one of the top speakers for Vistage and TEC International. I do about 40-50 talks a year to CEO groups, 10-15 to conferences, trade associations, management team meetings. That's basically 1-2 talks every week.

Initially I was fairly shy and introverted. I took the basic toastmasters course and it transformed my ability to talk in front of groups. What are doing to leverage this important avenue for business?

After 30 years, speaking in front of groups is still our greatest conversion tool of driving very high value (fee) projects.

Barry Deutsch

Social Media Coach to Vistage and TEC Speakers and Trusted Advisors

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Not a Vistage or TEC Speaker or Trusted Advisor, then be sure to visit our public blog on how to drive sales through social media, AND/OR our open discussion group on LinkedIn, Sales Through Social Media

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Speakers-Trusted Advisors-Consultants
What's the difference between top-notch and average speakers-trusted advisors-Consultants? The difference is a factor of at least 5-10X the income. It's having a abundance of referrals and full pipeline of opportunities. Discover the secrets of how outstanding speakers-trusted advisors-consultants easily grow their business
Curated by Barry Deutsch
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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
March 17, 2014 2:47 PM

How Important is Video for your Visibility?

How Important is Video for your Visibility? | Speakers-Trusted Advisors-Consultants | Scoop.it
MarketingProfs.com (subscription) You Need to Add Video to Your Personal Branding Strategy MarketingProfs.com (subscription) William Arruda, dubbed "the personal branding guru" by Entrepreneur, is a motivational speaker, talent-development...
Barry Deutsch's insight:

As a consultant within the Vistage/TEC community, I am constantly evaluating social media opportunities to communicate with my followers, connections, and network.

Video has exploded onto the scene - both in terms of visibility and ease of use in creating content. Here's what the author of this article said about using video:

"Videos are much more likely than text pages to get that coveted page 1 slot, thanks to blended search. So, instead of focusing only on blogs, articles, and whitepapers, spend time creating a video bio or a series of thought-leadership videos. Doing so is your best opportunity to stand out from the pack and increase your influence."

Have you put your toe in the water as a speaker or trusted advisor to share your thought leadership yet?

Here's how I do it with an existing blog post of about 500 words which I've already written.

1. Create a powerpoint slide deck

2. Narrate the slidedeck using the recording function within powerpoint or a tool such as camtasia  -2 to 3 minutes max.

3. Post the slidedeck to slideshare.net

4. Convert into a YouTube Video (automatically through Camtasia) and load into your YouTube Channel.

5. Strip off the audio and post to your Itunes Listing.

6. Share on your various social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

This entire process should take 2 hours initially and after you master it - perhaps 1 hour.

Do you have a short video you use on social media that conveys your thought leadership in your niche/area of expertise?

Barry Deutsch

Social Media Coach to Vistage and TEC Speakers and Trusted Advisors


Vistage/TEC Speaker or Trusted Advisor - Are you reading our Blog on How to Attract and Engage with Potential Clients Through Social Media Blog?


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NOT a Vistage/TEC Speaker or Trusted Advisor, then be sure to visit our public blog on how to drive sales through social media, AND/OR our open discussion group on LinkedIn, Sales Through Social Media


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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
January 2, 2014 2:34 PM

Can the Skill of curating content for marketing your services be learned?

Can the Skill of curating content for marketing your services be learned? | Speakers-Trusted Advisors-Consultants | Scoop.it
How to become a curation king / queen. Traditionally, a curator researches and puts together a collection which speaks to a narrative and / or serves a larger idea in art galleries and / or museums...
Barry Deutsch's insight:

I really liked this article which laid out a process for learning how to use curation in marketing your business. Rather than be overwhelmed with how to do it - the article described a path to building the skillset to be successful with content curation and marketing.

I've found this element of my overall marketing plan to be invaluable. It didn't happen overnight. I've been building my skillset - self-taught - over the past year.

What's holding you back?

Barry Deutsch

Social Media Coach to Vistage and TEC Speakers and Trusted Advisors


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Not a Vistage or TEC Speaker or Trusted Advisor, then be sure to visit our public blog on how to drive sales through social media, AND/OR our open discussion group on LinkedIn, Sales Through Social Media







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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
August 21, 2013 8:45 PM

Tips to Make Curating Content Easier and Quicker

Tips to Make Curating Content Easier and Quicker | Speakers-Trusted Advisors-Consultants | Scoop.it
Barry Deutsch's insight:

A key point raised by the folks at Curata regarding novice curators.

First, if you're not curating great ideas, thought-leadership, and expert knowledge in your niche, your leaving the door open for your competitors to be overshadow you in their value to your prospects and customers.

Secondly, once you start this process of curating great stuff, epic content, and fascinating information for your prospects and customers, one of the most important things you can do is to annotate the content (like I'm doing with this posting) adding your unique perspective.

Be Bold - Be Strong - Dominant the Discussion - Challenge Your Readers - Make Outrageous Statements That Force Your Prospects To Become Introspective.

Most of the articles and blog posts I read on the internet is so vanilla, plain, boring, mundane, and not worth reading past the first paragraph, let alone the headline. STOP posting your thoughts framed in such bureaucratic language so as not to offend anyone.

TAKE a stand - state your opinion! Be Different than all your peers

Posting links and hoping for people to "notice" you, is like throwing crap against the wall hoping it sticks. The most important part of the shared article or blog post is YOUR unique perspective and how it applies specifically to your network, customers, and prospects. NO ONE cares what the article means to you - they want to know what it means to THEM - why is it relevant - why should they read it?

As an expert in wealth management, benefits, recruiting, strategic planning, accounting, legal, or compensation -- you have a chance to absolutely dominant the niche you're in - are you taking advantage of it through content curation and marketing?

Barry Deutsch

Social Media Coach to Vistage and TEC Speakers and Trusted Advisors


Are you reading our Blog on How to Attract and Engage with Potential Clients Through Social Media Blog?



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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
May 29, 2013 3:05 PM

LinkedIn - What Don't You Know?

LinkedIn - What Don't You Know? | Speakers-Trusted Advisors-Consultants | Scoop.it
As an online marketer, sooner or later you’re going to have to face facts. It might seem daunting, or even like a waste of time at first. But it’s more than
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Gillian made a great comment in this article regarding little held secrets about LinkedIn that few take advantage of:

"You do not have to personally know every contact you add

This may indeed go against a lot of LinkedIn advice you have heard before that encourages you only to add those people you know outside of social media, either personally or professionally. But the sheer number of people on LinkedIn means that if you limit yourself in that way, you’ll never see the site work its magic for you. That doesn’t mean sending unsolicited messages to tons of strangers. Instead, find people with common interests. One great way to do this is by connection with people who are in the same LinkedIn groups as you are."

Do you make the mistake of ONLY connecting with people you already know? How could you possibly leverage LinkedIn. It's okay to connect with people where there is a "weak" initial relationship. It's not spam - that's the basic fundamental idea of LinkedIn - why just replicate your address book on-line?

Barry Deutsch

Social Media Coach to Vistage and TEC Speakers and Trusted Advisors


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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
April 16, 2013 10:21 PM

29 Ways to Suck at Your Next Presentation

29 Ways to Suck at Your Next Presentation | Speakers-Trusted Advisors-Consultants | Scoop.it
Danger! Don't Optimize Presentations to Suck. Image via Shutterstock Over the past 5 years I've given a few hundred presentations in front of crowds from 10
Barry Deutsch's insight:

One of the authority speakers in the online space - Lee Odden - posted some of his thoughts on how to suck at a presentation.

I particularly agree with his point about preparation.

Why do so many speakers get up in front of a group and wing it with very little preparation? Why do so many "experts" in their niche think they can get up and just talk about what they know.

Everytime I have a new presentation to make, I fret over it, practice it over and over, revise, adjust, and consider each point that I am attempting to make.

I look for multiple examples and illustrations to support every claim I make - even if I only use 1 of those examples.

I think through all the questions, disagreements, other opinions that might surface during my presentation.

In short, I approach each presentation as if my success depends on it. Based on the feedback I get, I go back and tweat, adjust, throw out pieces, and new content. I am constantly updating, changing, and evovling my presentations with the latest surveys, research, and thought leadership available.

Finally, I practice what Stephen Covey called "Sharpening the Saw". I watch TED presentations, I watch lots of other speakers, I check out their slide decks on YouTube and Slideshare, and I read everything I can put my hands on about being a better presenter and speaker.

What are you doing to be at the "top of your game' as a speaker or presenter?

Barry Deutsch

Social Media Coach to Vistage and TEC Speakers and Trusted Advisors


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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
April 4, 2013 7:00 PM

Building Thought Leadership - Prime Example of Using Slideshare

Tips and advice on Thought Leadership how you can become an authority in your industry and drive conversation online about your brand, product or service.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Excellent Slideshare Presentation on establishing thougth-leadeship in your niche.

Should be required reading if you're a consultant, coach, speaker, facilitator, moderator, or trusted advisor.

If you look at all the digital, on-line, and social media marketing you're currently doing - do you fit within the definition of a thought leader - or are just jamming useless posts and content down the throats of your target market - angering them in the process by jamming up their news feeds or status updates?

Re-calibrate what you're doing to share content (blog posts, curated content, links, slidedecks, video, podcasts, articles, white papers, ebooks) with your network of customers, prospects, and referral sources.

Are you defining the debate? Are you framing the issues that your clients care most about? Are you crushing your competition with your expertise and knowledge?

Barry Deutsch

Social Media Coach to Vistage and TEC Speakers and Trusted Advisors


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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
April 4, 2013 6:15 PM

Is there any business that cannot benefit from digital-social marketing?

Is there any business that cannot benefit from digital-social marketing? | Speakers-Trusted Advisors-Consultants | Scoop.it
Consulting with small businesses about their Social Media Strategies, I'm often met with hesitations. How do I get my unusual business online?
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Another great example of a common business no one tends to think about -  like Marcus Sheridan in backyard pool installation - this one speaks to pest control.

I'll contend that if a backyard pool installation and pest control business can be successful in driving additional business, then anyone can!

The case studies exist, the consultants are in place, the tactics are now commonplace, and the ROI is easily determined - why have you not started to dramatically grow your business through a small investment of time and effort by moving some of your marketing to the digital world?

Barry Deutsch

Master Coach for Teaching Vistage/TEC Companies HOW TO drive Sales Through Social Media


Join our private blog for Vistage/TEC Members on HOW TO Leverage Social Media




Not a Vistage or TEC Member, then be sure to visit our public blog on how to drive sales through social media, AND/OR our open discussion group on LinkedIn, Sales Through Social Media




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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
April 1, 2013 1:14 PM

Find New Clients on LinkedIn

Find New Clients on LinkedIn | Speakers-Trusted Advisors-Consultants | Scoop.it
LinkedIn is tailor-made for referrals, unfortunately, most advisor s LinkedIn profiles are abysmal. What can you do to stand out from the competition?
Barry Deutsch's insight:

This blog post on leveraging LinkedIn was aimed at insurance agents and financial advisors. However, the principles are the same for any consultant, coach, speaker, or trusted advisor.

Here are the 4 steps we go through in our training program for professionals:

1. Have a compelling profile

2. Segment Your LinkedIn Network to communicate effectively with prospects and referral sources.

3. Expand your network with those who need your services

4. Establish a structured process for communicating with your netwok (just collecting names is a worthless activity) on a regular basis through email, LinkedIn, and other social media platforms.

This process requires 15 minutes a day and should drive at least 1/3 of your new business opportunities within 90 days.

On a personal level, by following a few of these simple steps, I've increased my executive search business and hiring training/consulting by 50% in the middle of the recession -  for just 15 minutes a day.

Barry Deutsch

Master Coach for Teaching how to drive Sales Through Social Media


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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
March 27, 2013 9:02 PM

Are You a Late Adopter to Blogging?

Are You a Late Adopter to Blogging? | Speakers-Trusted Advisors-Consultants | Scoop.it
Barry Deutsch's insight:

It's a proven fact that blogging, especially as a core marketing activity for consultants, coaches, speakers, and trusted advisors - stands head and shoulders above anything else you might consider attempting.

For basically an hour's worth of work on a weekly basis, you could within 12-24 months establish yourself as the top dog in your niche, where you people seek you out, you're cherry picking business opportunities, and you can afford to sit back and wait for the phone to ring.

Imagine having an abundance of warm-to-hot leads that convert at an above industry average. Imagine never ever having to scramble for business again - even in a recession. Imagine, not spending a dime on marketing beyond your personal investment of time of one hour per week, you begin to CRUSH your competition.

It's not fantasy. I can point to almost every niche a consultant, coach, speaker, and trusted advisor operates in - the most successful are blogging and have been for the last 12-18 months at a minimum.

Are you going to dip your toe in the proverbial water to learn how to do it and master it over the next 12-18 months, or will you be the only non-successful one in your niche when everyone else has mastered the NEW NORMAL of marketing professional services?

What's your plan to finally overcome your fears and start?

Barry Deutsch

Social Media Coach to Vistage and TEC Speakers and Trusted Advisors


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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
February 23, 2013 4:23 PM

Practice Your Presentation with Fairy Tales and Cheating | BrightCarbon

Practice Your Presentation with Fairy Tales and Cheating | BrightCarbon | Speakers-Trusted Advisors-Consultants | Scoop.it
Take a page from fairy tale narration to fine tune your delivery. The trick to make sure you find the magic wand in your story? Create a cheat sheet.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

I probably make over 100 presentations to various groups every year. I prepare for my presentations in exactly the method described in this article. I condense down my talking points.

Not only does this help make the key points, but it moves me away from memorizing my presentation.

In the last 20 years, I've had the chance to view well over 1,000 presentations from other speakers and I am incredibly disappointed how bright, articule, capable consultants and speakers can screw up a presentation to a group of CEOs and senior executives. The errors in presentations would look like a toliet paper roll unfurling.

At the top of the list would be presentations that sound like they are being read from a script, read from the powerpoint slides, or where the speaker is unsure of the material being presented.

How do you prepare for a presentation?

Barry Deutsch

Social Media Coach to Vistage and TEC Speakers and Trusted Advisors


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Rescooped by Barry Deutsch from Digital & Social Media Marketing
January 7, 2013 2:24 AM

An Introduction to Content Curation for Marketing Professionals

An Introduction to Content Curation for Marketing Professionals | Speakers-Trusted Advisors-Consultants | Scoop.it



Via Robin Good, Lucy Abreu
Barry Deutsch's insight:

As you know, I'm big on infographic style presentations and I liked the explanation of content marketing that for most marketers (especially in non-tech or online businesses) is still a confusing area.

Barry Deutsch

Master Coach for Teaching Vistage/TEC Companies HOW TO drive Sales Through Social Media


Join our private blog for Vistage/TEC Members on HOW TO Leverage Social Media




Not a Vistage or TEC Member, then be sure to visit our public blog on how to drive sales through social media, AND/OR our open discussion group on LinkedIn, Sales Through Social Media




Robin Good's curator insight, December 27, 2012 12:47 PM

Good introductory article by Don Reggie on "content curation" for marketing people. It explains from A to Z and in simple words, the what, why, and how of content curation.

Good introduction to curation for the layman. 6/10

Full article: http://www.instantshift.com/2012/12/12/the-freelancers-guide-to-successful-content-curation/

(Image courtesy of Springpad.com)

whynot's curator insight, December 30, 2012 7:09 AM

Un article bien développé, qui souligne l'utilité de la 'curation' pour les freelance et présente les différents outils (scoop.it en tête).

via Robin Good sur scoop.it!

Scooped by Barry Deutsch
January 6, 2013 7:18 PM

Giving and Receiving Referrals

Giving and Receiving Referrals | Speakers-Trusted Advisors-Consultants | Scoop.it
You provide a great product with great service, you fastidiously call upon your clients within 3 months, updating them with changes or additions to your product ranges, you fix any issues promptly and when you catch up with your customer they are...
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Referrals should be your primary sales tactic/channel if you're a coach, consultant, speaker, or advisor.

Here is one of my favorite quotes from this article:

Referrals are about trust, people are highly unlikely to pass another’s details on unless they are absolutely confident in the product/service, absolute confidence in the person and absolute confidence in the after care service and all this takes time. By the shear nature of the referral, when one is given it is by far the most powerful way of selling your services because it is backed by the trust of the referee.

How much of your business comes from referrals? What specific tactics do you continually engage in to build trust among your referral network?

Where do the vast majority of referrals come from? How do you seek out and develop new referral sources? Does it just "happen" or do you systematically work it?

Barry Deutsch

Social Media Coach to Vistage and TEC Speakers and Trusted Advisors


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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
January 3, 2013 11:54 AM

CEOs Say One Thing About Social Media Then Do Another

CEOs Say One Thing About Social Media Then Do Another | Speakers-Trusted Advisors-Consultants | Scoop.it
CEOS may be telling folks that social media is important and useful, but most top executives don't use it personally.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Interesting blog post describing the paradox of CEOs doing a "Don't do what I do" type issue of pushing their company into social media use, but not personally getting involved.

Is it possible that CEOs can effectively guide and move their companies into leveraging social media without personally becoming involved?

Can social media be treated like any other issue the company faces? For example, the CEO might not want to be involved in any level of the sales process - delegating that activity to the sales department.

The question I've got is does the same strategy work with social media? Is it possible to have an effective social media presence and ROI without the CEO being personally involved with their own accounts and activity in social media?

Barry Deutsch

Master Coach for Teaching Vistage/TEC Companies HOW TO drive Sales Through Social Media


Join our private blog for Vistage/TEC Members on HOW TO Leverage Social Media




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Rescooped by Barry Deutsch from Content Curation and Marketing
January 7, 2014 3:58 PM

Are You a Trusted Advisor to CEOs or a low level/narrow Subject Matter Expert?

If you want to sell more, earn more, say "no" more - then you need to develop your ability to be a trusted advisor.
Barry Deutsch's curator insight, January 7, 2014 3:57 PM

I liked this presentation by Chris Lema on the idea of what a trusted advisor is to their clients and their network.

In stepping through this short slideshare presentation, it reminded me of some things strategically I need to keep doing to grow my business.

Is it time for an introspective look of whether you are a trusted advisor or a subject matter expert?

In research over the last 20 years within the Vistage/TEC community,  my informal analysis indicates that less than 5% of all speakers and "TAs" could be categorized as trusted advisors to their CEO clients. Most are narrowly focused in the category of subject matter experts and relegated to vendor - service providor roles at the department head or below level.

Where would you rather work? Which role might lead to more business?


Barry Deutsch

Social Media Coach to Vistage and TEC Speakers and Trusted Advisors


Vistage/TEC Speaker or Trusted Advisor - Are you reading our Blog on How to Attract and Engage with Potential Clients Through Social Media Blog?


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NOT a Vistage/TEC Speaker or Trusted Advisor, then be sure to visit our public blog on how to drive sales through social media, AND/OR our open discussion group on LinkedIn, Sales Through Social Media


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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
August 21, 2013 9:01 PM

Can You Inspire Your Prospects to Take Action?

Can You Inspire Your Prospects to Take Action? | Speakers-Trusted Advisors-Consultants | Scoop.it
Content marketing can be used to inspire customers and move them up, down and through the purchase funnel.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Interesting article by Michael Brito about inspiring your customers (or prospects) to take action.

How do you inspire your prospects? Do you give them a reason - or rather a continual stream of reasons to want to engage with you?

Is your content the same boring crap that everyone else is sharing links on in your niche OR are you publishing EPIC information?

Do you challenge your prospects to reconsider how they use for your services?

Are you the leading voice in your niche for innovative thinking?

Are you giving your prospects an overwhelming reason to pick up the phone and start a conversation with you?

Many of the search projects I get don't start out as prospects calling me asking if I'll do a search. Instead, they usual start out as a discussion around "I have a problem and i'm not sure how to solve it." Sometimes, my search solution is the answer. Howevver, it's been my experience that 8 of 10 times, executive search is not the answer. Perhaps, they need one of my  "other" hiring solutions. Perhaps, I can give them a few ideas for a DIY approach.

My goal in content marketing is not to sell, rather it's to inspire prospects to engage with me on their pain points of hiring, retention, and performance management. This approach keeps the top of my funnel full.

What are you doing to keep the top of your funnel full - other than scrambling for work since now you've hit a lull between projects?

Barry Deutsch

Social Media Coach to Vistage and TEC Speakers and Trusted Advisors


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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
August 20, 2013 1:11 AM

Are you a thought leader?

Are you a thought leader? | Speakers-Trusted Advisors-Consultants | Scoop.it
Ask.com says that a thought leader is an individual or firm that is recognized as an authority in a specialized field and whose expertise is sought and often rewarded.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

A very interesting article on thought leadership. Could you check off any of these as describing yourself?

Do you aspire to be a thought leader?

Do you want to be seen within your niche as the "go-to" person, the "expert", the source of trusted information?

Would you like your clients and prospects to use YOU as their benchmark for thought leadership within your niche or industry?

What are you doing right now to establish yourself as THE thought-leader who drives conversations around leading issues in your niche? Do you abdicate this role to your peers or do you aggressively seek it for yourself?

If you do want to become a thought leader, what is your specific written plan for achieving it?

Barry Deutsch

Social Media Coach to Vistage and TEC Speakers and Trusted Advisors


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Frank J. Papotto, Ph.D.'s curator insight, August 20, 2013 9:52 AM

I hope you are. The abundance of information available needs some order and organization. We need to know better what we know and don't know. 

Scooped by Barry Deutsch
April 20, 2013 1:40 AM

The Keys to Effective Networking

The Keys to Effective Networking | Speakers-Trusted Advisors-Consultants | Scoop.it
The founder of the company that brought you Solitare Deluxe reveals his strategy for building a strong network.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

I liked the part of this article that talked about the need to be persistent in following up. Most individuals make one attempt and then give up. Why not make 2 or 3 or 4? Just because they didn't respond initially just means you're not important enough yet to respond.

What's the old marketing adage that you've got to touch someone at least 7 different ways before they bite?

Most speakers, consultants, coaches, and trusted advisors are TERRIBLE at the element of relationship building within their networks. They give up after one attempt, they don't try to help others, they are not seen as influencers or connectors. Not only are the terrible at giving referrals, but they have no real understanding of how to manage the referral given to them.

In consulting, speaking, trusted advisor work - 80 percent or more of the business comes from "word of mouth" or referrals. If you're not working hard at relationship building to build a referral pipeline with a core group of referral soruces, then your business is at GREAT risk.

What do you do on a regular and systematic basis to build relationships with referral sources in your network?

Barry Deutsch

Social Media Coach to Vistage and TEC Speakers and Trusted Advisors


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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
April 15, 2013 11:04 PM

Get noticed: Five tips to increase your LinkedIn visibility

Get noticed: Five tips to increase your LinkedIn visibility | Speakers-Trusted Advisors-Consultants | Scoop.it
Today, visibility is critical for getting more business. Networking alone doesn t cut it. You also need a strong presence online.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Great suggestions in an article aimed at accountants on how to increase their LinkedIn visibility = this article could apply to any speaker, trusted advisor, coach, or consultant.

Here are the questions about whether you're getting the visibility you need:

1. Do you post 2-3 status updates a day on your LinkedIn Profile by making comments on articles you've read that your clients and prospects might find valuable? Do you comment on the shares of others in your network?

2. Do you give endorsements to other consultants and coaches from whom you're seeking referrals? Do you provide endorsements to those in your network?

3. Are you being recommended by other referral sources, former clients, and those who intimately know the quality of your work. Do you have 15-25 recommendations?

4. Are you a thought leader? Do you have a "personality" on line? Are you a respected and trusted voice in your specific niche? Is the content you post about your niche expertise "epic?"

5. It's hard to get noticed as a wallflower. Do you start discussions in your niche groups, do you comment and provide helpful ideas and suggestions to others?

Can you do this within a 15 minute a day timeframe?

Can you see how it might work for you?

Barry Deutsch

Social Media Coach to Vistage and TEC Speakers and Trusted Advisors


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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
April 4, 2013 6:51 PM

B2B Thought Leadership? Very Few Reach the Pinnacle!

B2B Thought Leadership? Very Few Reach the Pinnacle! | Speakers-Trusted Advisors-Consultants | Scoop.it
Barry Deutsch's insight:

You're an expert in your niche. No one comes close to understanding the pain your customers face. You've got hundreds of case studies, examples, and quantifiable data to support every conclusion you've drawn over the years.

You're sitting on a goldmine of data to differentiate the value you can offer your clients.

How come business is not POURING in the door?

It's because NO ONE sees you as a thought-leader, expert, go-to person except for a very small select group of former clients and few prospects. To the universe of your potential clients, they see you as a me-too service providor or vendor slogging it out in the trenches without any differentiation of what you do vs. your competitors.

Is it not time to leverage your thought leadership through social media and content publishing to the pinnacle or capstone of marketing as Laura Ramos talks about in her blog post on the Forrester site?

If you're ready to start right now, shoot me a note and in a 15 MINUTE phone conversation I'll take you through our 8-point assessment of whether you're doing enough to convey your thought leadeship as a consultant, speaker, coach, or trusted advisor.

Barry Deutsch

Social Media Coach to Vistage and TEC Speakers and Trusted Advisors


Are you reading our Blog on How to Attract and Engage with Potential Clients Through Social Media Blog?



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Not a Vistage or TEC Speaker or Trusted Advisor, then be sure to visit our public blog on how to drive sales through social media, AND/OR our open discussion group on LinkedIn, Sales Through Social Media





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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
April 4, 2013 6:06 PM

A Recipe for Your LinkedIn Voice | Marketing content from WealthManagement.com

A Recipe for Your LinkedIn Voice | Marketing content from WealthManagement.com | Speakers-Trusted Advisors-Consultants | Scoop.it
If you are a promotional machine on social networks, you are driving your connections away. If you are sharing irrelevant content, your connections are becoming numb to your message. Both are damaging your social relationships.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Some good advice specifically pointing at financial/wealth advisors, but could be appropriate for any trusted advisor, coach, speaker, or consultant. The question is whether you've thought through a strategy of how to use the wealth of information at your fingertips to convey your expertise, knowledge, differentation, helpfulness, and thought-leadership with your prospects?

OR are you just randomly sharing links that others have tweeted or posted? This tactic is a complete waste of time. Better to think through some of the ideas posed in this article and how you might use it to drive business.

Barry Deutsch

Social Media Coach to Vistage and TEC Speakers and Trusted Advisors


Are you reading our Blog on How to Attract and Engage with Potential Clients Through Social Media Blog?



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Not a Vistage or TEC Speaker or Trusted Advisor, then be sure to visit our public blog on how to drive sales through social media, AND/OR our open discussion group on LinkedIn, Sales Through Social Media





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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
March 31, 2013 4:07 PM

30 Tips for Awesome Presentations - Video and Slides

30 Tips for Awesome Presentations - Video and Slides | Speakers-Trusted Advisors-Consultants | Scoop.it
Here's the video from yesterday's webinar, 30 Tips for Awesome Presentations, in case you missed it and would like to hear my dulcet tones: And the slides: And the audio, for all you podcaster types: I'll be uploading a transcript on Monday...
Barry Deutsch's insight:

I am always on the hunt for great content related to sharing ideas and presenting information. I present as a speaker over 100 times a year to CEO groups, key executives, trade conferences, and mangement team meetings. I do another 100 plus webinar sessions through-out the year.

I present on subjects of hiring top talent, social recruiting, retention, and performance management. I also do presentations showing companies, consultants, speakers, and trusted advisors on how to use social media for selling.

Even though I've made thousands of presentations over the past 25 years, I still am in a constant learning and exploration mode to do it better.

Here's a good blog post with tips on making a better presentation - particularly how to engage quickly with your audience.

Barry Deutsch

Social Media Coach to Vistage and TEC Speakers and Trusted Advisors


Are you reading our Blog on How to Attract and Engage with Potential Clients Through Social Media Blog?



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Not a Vistage or TEC Speaker or Trusted Advisor, then be sure to visit our public blog on how to drive sales through social media, AND/OR our open discussion group on LinkedIn, Sales Through Social Media






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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
March 25, 2013 1:50 AM

Don't Tell Me You're a Thought-Leader: Just Be One

Don't Tell Me You're a Thought-Leader: Just Be One | Speakers-Trusted Advisors-Consultants | Scoop.it
Thought leaders don’t call themselves thought leaders. They don’t think that way. Think. Lead. Publish. Share. Advise. Influence. But don’t tell me you’re a thought leader. Just be one.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Are you a thought-leader within your niche? Do your prospects see you as a trusted source of information?

Do your prospects look to you to filter the most important information they should be ready in your niche?

Do you frame the discussion around your services that dictates how your prospects communicate and seek information from your competitors?

What do you do on a  daily, weekly, monthly basis to SHOW others you're a thought-leader?

Barry Deutsch

Social Media Coach to Vistage and TEC Speakers and Trusted Advisors


Are you reading our Blog on How to Attract and Engage with Potential Clients Through Social Media Blog?



If you're a Vistage/TEC Speaker - Consultant - Coach - Trusted Advisor, join our LInkedIn Discussion Group to learn how to find, attract, and engage more clients




Not a Vistage or TEC Speaker or Trusted Advisor, then be sure to visit our public blog on how to drive sales through social media, AND/OR our open discussion group on LinkedIn, Sales Through Social Media






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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
January 24, 2013 1:19 AM

Crap. The Content Marketing Deluge.

As every B2B brand turns to content marketing, we're about to be hit by a deluge of... crap. Here's what you can do about it.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Are you feeling like you're sinking under a deluge of "crap" that other people post and send to you? Are your defensive barriers going up as they did with email spam a few years ago?

Do your customers feel like you're burying them under a pile of useless "crap"?

Is your content marketing that you send to your customers edgy, entertaining, educational, motivational, stimulating, something they actually enjoy receiving from you?

Good slide show on the explosive trend of B2B companies publishing content - most are doing it badly - is it hurting those who do it well?

Barry Deutsch

Social Media Coach to Vistage and TEC Speakers and Trusted Advisors


Are you reading our Blog on How to Attract and Engage with Potential Clients Through Social Media Blog?



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Not a Vistage or TEC Speaker or Trusted Advisor, then be sure to visit our public blog on how to drive sales through social media, AND/OR our open discussion group on LinkedIn, Sales Through Social Media





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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
January 6, 2013 7:39 PM

How to be FOUND on LinkedIn

How to be FOUND on LinkedIn | Speakers-Trusted Advisors-Consultants | Scoop.it
The importance of being found by your target audience on LinkedIn is equally as important as engaging that person once they find you.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

A Search Engine article talking about how LinkedIn uses keyword words to bring your profile up in the searches that get done within LinkedIn.

Have you gone through a similar exercise? Have you embedded these keywords in the places that the author recommends?

Do you track how people are finding your profile? How many times do you appear in search results? Out of those search results, how many times does someone actually look at your profile?

Barry Deutsch

Social Media Coach to Vistage and TEC Speakers and Trusted Advisors


Are you reading our Blog on How to Attract and Engage with Potential Clients Through Social Media Blog?



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Not a Vistage or TEC Speaker or Trusted Advisor, then be sure to visit our public blog on how to drive sales through social media, AND/OR our open discussion group on LinkedIn, Sales Through Social Media






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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
January 3, 2013 2:36 PM

Content Is Not King - Story Telling is Crowning Achievement

Content Is Not King - Story Telling is Crowning Achievement | Speakers-Trusted Advisors-Consultants | Scoop.it
Content marketing is all the rage for 2013. I think it might have been the rage in 2012, too. It is a buzzword, for sure, but it is essentially focused on how to tell a story. More so, it is about how to engage with your customer or prospect.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

If content marketing was the buzzword of the year in 2012, it's likely story telling will be the buzzword of the year in 2013.

Most organizations, consultants, coaches, speakers do a terrible job of story telling as the author talks about in this article.

I think one of the most powerful elements of my award-winning presentation titled "You're NOT the Person I Hired" that has now been given over 1000 times and to over 35,000 CEOs and Senior Executives around the world, is that I weave a story into every claim, statistic, and point that I make.

As Seth Godin indicates, it confirms our world view. It doesn't necessarily teach us something new. I'd be reach for everyone who came up to me after my presentation and said "There is nothing new here. You've nailed every mistake I've made in hiring and how to overcome each one. I can't believe I haven't done what you're recommending!"

Do you take the stories from your business experiences and weave them into your blog posts, curated content, conversations, presentations, and other interactions with your network?

Barry Deutsch

Social Media Coach to Vistage and TEC Speakers and Trusted Advisors


Are you reading our Blog on How to Attract and Engage with Potential Clients Through Social Media Blog?



If you're a Vistage/TEC Speaker - Consultant - Coach - Trusted Advisor, join our LInkedIn Discussion Group to learn how to find, attract, and engage more clients




Not a Vistage or TEC Speaker or Trusted Advisor, then be sure to visit our public blog on how to drive sales through social media, AND/OR our open discussion group on LinkedIn, Sales Through Social Media






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